Research on usefulness of government services;
Information services
- Educating and learning- offers a wide range of information, for young and old people seeking; EMA, taking exams, student loans, adult learning. This provides a good informational service for online research/help.
- Money, tax and benefits up-to-date info. on all taxes etc...
- Travel and transport gives train times, bus times very informational and useful
- Crime, justice and the law provides people with more detailed information on crime, Justice and the law allows for people to see why these laws are followed up etc...
- Home and community keeps people up-to-date with flooding, repairs in there areas, problems for concern, nuisance in neighbourhoods, council tax.
- Motoring
- Employment
- Rights and responsibilities
- Environment and greener living
- Health and well being
Online reporting and advice
- Many of the information services also provide an area for online reporting and advice giving.
- Money, tax and benefits- people can be contacted e.g. phone numbers advertised
- Travel and transport provides route planners etc..
- Crime, justice and the law provides links to helplines the police...
- Motoring
- Employment
- Health and well being- can put you in touch with various helplines e.g. quite smoking, heart disease...
- Environment and greener living- also put you in touch with environmental groups near you, invite you to get involved.
Online booking
- Taking tests
- Leisure e.g. putting you in touch with theatres, paintball centres for booking parties, tickets.
- The site did not offer much in the way of online booking because it doesn't really supply users with activities that need booking.
Online payments
- You could find out information on the price of payments etc.. but I could find no real payment service that needed to carry out transactions because the site is not an online store it is more of a public information site.
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